Monday 21 November 2011

Context - the Brand and Packaging

I could sourced the context images online so they were quite low resolution.  I had to find a way to make the context photos sit well with the 'live' photos I had taken of the packaging.  I experimented with a few effects between illustrator, live trace and also adding symbols in Illustrator into Photoshop.

I could not find a realistic way to mockup a hexagonal banner or advertising poster on my contextual photos.  The hexagonal shape would tie the promotion to the brand and packaging and also be distinctive.  I image this would be made from a durable substrate such as digitally printed fabric or polypropylene which would be UV printed, also providing a link to transparency.

Other print based options are at the Food Festival.  They can include the tent, table cloths, t-shirts (Screen printed), umbrellas.  The people on the Sweetie apple stall would have a thorough knowledge of the apple and when giving the apple away know the apples benefits ie grown in Kent, supporting English orchards, not travelled 11,500 miles.

I have mocked up a blank foil blanket however the blanket could be UV or flexo printed with the Sweetie logo for further promotion with the runners once they complete the marathon.  'wear the blanket to the apple stall'

In store, I had imagined the strong stackable cartons which loose apples are delivered in would be hexagonal shaped, again to distinguish the sweetie from other brands.  However I could not work out how to use 3d tools for a hexagon in Photoshop.  As my final photographs were so professional I did not include this on the final presentation boards.  These would be flexo printed on strong corrugated card.  

At point of sale,  an obvious addition to the promotion collection would be a shelf wobbler made out of acetate or polyproplene.

Finally just a note about the Marathon leaflet.  Although I have submitted the larger hexagon as the final mockup I actually think the smaller size works better.  The print quality is much better on the larger version however the smaller one is easier to handle and fold out.  I think the larger leaflet is slightly cumbersome.


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