Thursday, 23 September 2010

Leaflet version?

Hi Guys if you are still working on our fantastic poster....this is what i have come up with for the leaflet.  Joe sorry i've ditched the circled no.s as i didn't think they worked with the handwritten font.  I will being the full PSD file so you can perfect tomorrow...



Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Layout Ideas for How to presentation....

Pinboard idea for informing students about getting up in the morning

We eventually decided to create a freshers pack containing information and interactive media in response to our problem.. "How to get ready in the morning under an hour". This freshers pack would contain a poster which students could interact with in order to create their own timetable from a pie chart and stickers (pictures to follow); a leaflet/flyer providing tips on how to reduce the amount of time spent getting ready and the aforementioned stickers. Flyers from participating clubs/bars/shops would also be added to fund the pack.

 A2/A3 Poster with a 'do-it-yourself' hourly pie chart and weekly timetable.
The pie chart is split into 5 minute segments and using the stickers contained in the pack, the user can place, for example, 10 minutes for breakfast using 2 of the colour coded segments, 20 (4 segments) for getting ready etc.

Idea for a leaflet/flyer with some 'top tips' for effective time management.
The design has changed since this and now features a corkboard as the background (images put up soon).

Ideas for How to presentation....

To grab the audiences attention could start with cheerful song about waking up.

Maybe The Boo radleys ' Wake up its a beautiful morning'
The Boo Radleys

Infographics research for HOW TO,,,

The topic grabbed me as much as the graphics...  the Colors of the Web
Fantastic colours ...

Like the gas hob..instantly communicates, like the childs windmill

Monday, 20 September 2010

Design Principles - How to get ready in the morning in less than 1 hour

Initial group brainstorm

Group Time mindmap


Outcome 2

Outcome 3
The group selection criteria was purely based on first names. We are group 5. 
The initial instruction was to brainstorm what problems our group had experienced as a fresher studying at Leeds College of Art on the Graphic Design pogramme. We were then asked to select five problems to consider solving. 

Each group then got a random topic from a selection that had been representative of the whole course experiences.

Our's was 'Managing Time'

We were happy with this choice as 'time' had featured in our previous discussions.

This was followed with brainstorm about time.
The detailed brief was provided at this stage.

Lisa's world .. my alphabet

Initially on reading the summer brief it raised several questions in my mind:
I was unsure how to communicate what I am about using only letters rather than words.
How much did I want the group to know about me?
Given I have lived so much longer how do i represent all this experience? Layers?

I first explored hand crafting each letter using ink, water colour and word.  Although I liked the effect I wanted to show I could use Photoshop (This also proved useful as it refreshed my Photoshop skills).  I liked the effect achieved for the Interview task ( a heart cut out of denim with badges about me)  So I experimented scanning different fabrics, jackets and other items into Photoshop.

I thought about changing the order of the alphabet to reflect the importance of certain things in my life however I found  this could be achieved by using different items such as scanning my wedding dress to highlight these letters.

I needed a chunky font that would enable the viewer to understand what the fabric represented.  Through trial and error Std Stencil proved the best font for the job.  I also liked this as it is reminiscent of growing up in the Eighties.

Overall I am pleased with the effect, it is very personal and reflects me as a person as I am pretty much an open book, what you see is what you get.  I think each letter sits well with the surrounding letters as the alphabet meets the brief in that it works as a series.  One problem with it apart from the obvious fabric changes such as Wedding and the rucksack you have to read the badges to fully understand the meaning.  Matt suggested maybe scanning  something different for each letter....